Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Recently, I placed another order from BookDepository… was planning to get the super-cheap (68% off!!!) Hunger Games trilogy set – became a bit doubtful at the last minute & alas, it’s sold out before I can even say “Nah, I’ll buy it later!”… haha

Anyway.. I became doubtful because I found some music-related (ABRSM) books that I wish to purchase. In the end, I chose a book on scales (ABRSM’s guide).. and another book by Diana Wynne Jones that I never read before.

Oh. My teacher wished to stop teaching at my current music school. Seems like her reason was she doesn’t want to go all the way to KK in the weekends to conduct classes. She can continue to teach me though if I want. I just have to go to her house on the weekends (nearer to my home too!).. To be honest, I’m a bit reluctant with leaving my music school… but ABRSM exams, that one I can apply by myself online… and.. I don’t know.. I’ve been there for almost 5 years already (wow, I just realised this lol)… Of course, my decision would lean more to my teacher’s favour because I can’t bear meeting and getting used to another new teacher.