Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Bit Lazy.

Played too much "The Sims 3" & "Farm Frenzy 3".... XD

Computer games aside... Did some practice for Clementi Sonatina Op. 36, No. 4... & also played Switchfoot's "The Best Yet" songbook. I'm always 
keen to sing along whenever I play Switchfoot songs on the piano. 

I almost forgot about  Nicholas Teo's "Xiao Wu Gui". I found the piano score from this pianofiles user few weeks ago. I was so delighted even though the score is in D Major. Haha... I don't know how to handle so many flats yet...but I love that song! I believe that I would conquer the flats in the end (I managed with 5 sharps from Horsegirl15's transcriptions of songs from "Camp Rock", "This is Me" & "Gotta Find You").