Saturday, September 04, 2010

Focus Focus.

Hisashiburi desu.

I'm in holiday mode at this moment. Two weeks!!! Woooo~~!!!!!

For my free time, this time I want to try a new method in learning to play a new song. It's not exactly new though... only I never thought of using it to my advantage before. Anyway. I want to pick a song and then focus fully on perfecting that one song only. The song I have in mind is Utada Hikaru's "Flavor of Life" (teehee... all because I rewatched the HanaDan drama & movie).... or Arashi's "Love so Sweet"/"One Love". 

It's a pity to hear Vox is closing down 'cos I was just starting to get used to that site... anyway.. I guess Typepad isn't bad too. I'm just looking for a site where I can blog about my piano learning journey, it would be more texts than photos... hehe. One more thing. I just received a new Dell netbook for my birthday last Sept 1st. I have evil thoughts (muahahah).. not really evil... just that I want to start writing short stories and fan fictions, and the netbook is a good reason to do that. I have easy access to word-processing programs! (not to mention the the long battery life - I like! )